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Since rose growers in Kenya have been growing ‘out of the soil’, Dutch Plantin delivers them quite a bit of coco. Coco is very suitable for growing roses because it’s a pure coconut substrate. Several growers in and around Naivasha mix local pumice stone with coco peat from Dutch Plantin. The result is a good and sustainable substrate on which they can successfully grow for many years. Also young rose plants grow very evenly and root quickly on Dutch Plantin coco peat. Because of big savings on water and fertilizer the growing on substrate has a big future in Kenya.

The customers are well satisfied with the quality of Dutch Plantin coco peat. A grower says: “We once bought some other coco because it was a bit cheaper, but we noticed the difference in quality immediately.” Another major grower explains: “Cutting down costs on substrate is always at the expense of yield.” Many growers and staff visited Dutch Plantin at the exhibition in Naivasha. Wim Roosen of Dutch Plantin was there to meet (new) customers and to inform attendees about coco and why Dutch Plantin coco makes the difference.



