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Dutch Plantin and sister company Van Doren Engineers are putting on their running shoes! On Sunday 28 September 2014, we will be taking part in the Berlin Marathon with a team of five people. We have two goals: taking part in a sports activity and collecting money for a charity, i.e. education for children in India.


The sports enthusiasts are Kevin van Doorn, Dré Schellekens, Sander van Berlo, Jos van Doren and Koen van den Hurk. Together they will take part in the biggest and most famous marathon in Europe on Sunday 28 September.

Dutch Plantin and Van Doren Engineers value training and personal development greatly. That is why our employees are given ample opportunity to further their skills. We often consider this normal, but it isn’t. In India, where Dutch Plantin operates, the cost of living for a family is relatively expensive. Let alone the education for the children. By running the marathon, we want to collect money for these families, so they can send their children to college. The basis for a better future.

Study allowance
Of course we want to make sure the money is well spent. That is why we organize everything ourselves. We are able to do so as Dutch Plantin is located in India. The money that is collected is given to the families of employees of Dutch Plantin in India. If their children decide to go to college, they will be given an allowance. Saving money for education remains difficult for families in India. That is why we are helping them in order to create a better future.

Getting ready for the marathon
Kevin, Dré, Koen, Sander and Jos have already started training for the marathon. They are currently running approximately 30 kilometres a week and have already run many kilometres. They will gradually increase their runs to approximately 70 kilometres per week. This training schedule should ensure that they can responsibly run 42 kilometres on 28 September. The men are looking forward!

Their travel and accommodation expenses in Berlin are paid by Dutch Plantin and Van Doren Engineers. This means that every cent we collect is spent in India. We greatly appreciate any support you may want to give us. Just send an email to , and we will send you extensive information on the charity, the runners and how you can sponsor us. We will be glad to keep you informed.