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Biological coir pith

Biological agriculture – or ecological agriculture – is becoming more and more important. This specific form of agriculture focuses on preserving the environment, the landscape and the wellbeing of animals. Therefore, biological agriculture excludes the use of chemical insecticides and artificial manure, and the products do not contain chemical or synthetic preservatives or ingredients to enhance the color or the flavor. Genetic modification is also not allowed in biological products. In order to meet the mineral need of the crop, animal manure is used. All these measures are used to respect and protect nature’s cycles. The increasing demand for biological products creates opportunities for agricultural companies like Dutch Plantin.

Dutch Plantin biological coir pith
The demand for biological coir pith has increased over the last few years. Driven by innovation, Dutch Plantin has accepted the challenge to meet the needs of our customers. So the last two years we are producing a special kind of biological coir pith. During the complete production process, no chemical supplies are used.

Inspection by IMO
The inspection and certification of our biological coir pith is done by the Institute of Market Ecology (IMO). IMO certifies companies all over the world and is the first and largest certifying institute for biological agriculture in India. The institute works according to the ISO standards and does yearly inspections as well as unannounced inspections in order to determine the characteristics of our products.