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Building bridges in the national and international horticulture sector. And putting coir on the map as the substrate of the future. United in their pursuit of these ambitions, Dutch Plantin and Tomatoworld entered into a partnership. Continue reading to find out how we bring out the best in each other.

The 2050 World Food Challenge
How do we feed 9,800,000,000 people by 2050? That’s the golden question for the Tomatoworld education and information centre. Here, horticulture business owners can discover new innovations and technologies that contribute to solving the world food problem, with sustainable growing methods playing a role of particular importance. And there’s no more sustainable option than coir.

The substrate of the future

“Coir is the substrate of the future,” says Dutch Plantin’s Wim Roosen. “It is sustainable, 100% organic and has a low carbon footprint.” You could say the partnership came about for a reason. Roosen: “We look forward to building bridges in the global horticulture sector together, for the sake of fostering sustainable growth. We are looking to grow coir as a raw material and both of our organisations at the same time, allowing us to pursue and achieve our objectives and make the world a better place.”